Installing mongodb on windows requirements: XAMPP stack mongodb community server for windows (x64) 1. View PHP versiom and architecture (http://localhost/dashboard/phpinfo.php) or 2. Download latest stable MongoDB driver for PHP (thread safe x86) 3.Copy PHP Mongo DDL to EXT Directory (C:\xampp\php\ext) 4. Add Extension- PHP Mongo file name php_mongodb.dll to php.ini In "C:\xampp\php\php.ini" add the following line: extension=php_mongodb.dll 5. Modify the PATH Variable Go to control panel, and open the system settings to add the “Environment Variable”. Add the path of the xampp php installation ( C:\xampp\php ) to the user path variable, if it is not present already. This ensures that the newly added “.dll” file is loaded when xampp is started. 6. Restart Apache and Verify - ther should be Mongo section ((http://localhost/dashboard/phpinfo.php) 7. Prepare MongoDB for project. - composer update (no-dev) - in mongo console ( c:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin>mongo.exe ) create user for project's database use admin db.createUser({user:"localuser", pwd:"localpwd" ,roles:[{role: "readWrite", db: "lazdata"}]})